Robert Anthony Playwright
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The Fisherman's Wife

A One-Act Play with a Cast of 7

Full Synopsis

A shrimp fisherman and his unhappy wife are barely eking out a living in a remote fishing village. Currently the wife has the only income, working at the local fish-processing plant, while the husband spends his time working on his broken-down shrimp boat. In the meantime a real estate representative has an accident nearby and is allowed to spend the night with the couple. The husband discovers that the man's company is planning to develop a luxury resort that would destroy their way of life.

Cast of Characters

JOHN FINLEY Shrimp fisherman, 30-40; crude; frustrated; stubborn; bit of a braggart; critical of his wife.
MAGGIE John's wife, 25-35; tough but sensitive; disappointed with her marriage to John.
MARY McCLEARY Maggie's friend and neighbor, 25-35; happily married; expecting first child.
NOREEN McCLEARY Mary's younger sister; very attractive; strong-willed; particular about the company she keeps.
DAVE MORGAN Real estate representative, 40-50; wants a simpler life; takes a strong interest in Maggie.
TOM DURGIN Local sheriff, 40-60; lazy; capable of wrong-doing.
JB Town drunk, 30-50; works part time.