Robert Anthony Playwright
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The Losers

A One-Act Play with a Cast of 4

Full Synopsis

The story concerns two gambling buddies who have lived off and on for years in various locations in New York City and New Jersey. They are currently living in a cheap, run-down apartment above a butcher shop in Coney Island. Although they have gambling in common they have very different values and interests, but have always helped each other by sharing the rent. Following the unintentional killing of a cat, they eventually have a parting of the ways when a third party encourages one to plot against the other.

Cast of Characters

PAUL MURPHY Office worker, about 40; good-hearted; generous; optimistic; frustrated with present living conditions.
MILO Paul's roommate, in his thirties; compulsive gambler; petty thief; sneaky; low self-esteem.
GREG Milo's gambling buddy, 40-50; unemployed; lives on the streets.
RUDY Building superintendent, 30-40; takes his job seriously.