Robert Anthony Playwright
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The Office Boy

A One-Act Play with a Cast of 6

Full Synopsis

The story of a mild-mannered, naïve young man who has taken a job in a corrupt and shady corporation, and in so doing becomes victim to the sick and lecherous ways of his employer. When his employer, who has long cheated on his wife with a demanding seductress, suffers a stroke his wife takes over the company. When it's announced that the seductress plans to marry the bookkeeper there is an office party. The employer is brought in a wheelchair to join in the celebration and finds himself alone with the office boy.

Cast of Characters

HARRY SLICK Shady businessman in his forties. Sharp features, intense, over confident, sexual pervert.
JEREMY KREEP Office boy. Innocent young man in his twenties. Naïve, dimwitted, lives in a group home for the mentally retarded.
DAISY Harry's secretary. Attractive black woman in her thirties. Upbeat, vivacious.
MARGARET Harry's wife, about 40. Socialite, urban, well dressed, has bad marriage with Harry.
LILY Harry's mistress, 25-35. Sexpot, demanding, promiscuous.
MARK Bookkeeper, 30-40. Dependable, loyal to Harry, has eyes for Lily.