Robert Anthony Playwright
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A One-Act Play with a Cast of 6

Full Synopsis

The receptionist in a mental institution believes the affair she is having with one of the doctors is the real thing, but we gradually learn that it's all in her mind. When the doctor tells her he is being transferred to another facility she wants to know what will become of their relationship since she believes they are to be married. As the play progresses we learn that a number of others are also being transferred to the same facility, including the receptionist.

Cast of Characters

GLORIA Attractive nurse/receptionist, 20-30; wears a white uniform and horn rim glasses; detached from reality; has imaginary relationship with Dr. Marsh and confuses the Old One with Dr. Potts.
STEVE Security guard; large rough-looking man in his thirties; gentle; bit of an oaf, smitten by Gloria.
OLD ONE Mental patient, 50-70; wild stringy white hair; wears pink pajamas; given to mood swings.
DR. MARSH Staff member, 30-50; cold and sadistic; has bizarre doctor-patient relationship with Gloria.
DR. POTTS Staff member, 50-70; long white hair; effeminate; fastidious; has close relationship with Dr. Marsh.
ELLEN A nurse, about the same age as Gloria but less attractive; friendly and upbeat.